Elana Afrika speaks her mind

Age: 26
Current Occupation: 5fm and television presenter, event host and MC
So what is exactly is it that you do? I talk for a living. From voice overs to speeches, TV and radio
Why in the world would you choose a career in radio?
It chose me! I was going to be an accountant – was too young according to my dad to study my course - changed to a BDram degree instead and finished it, and moved from CPT to JHB to work.

Did you study, how did you go about learning your trade?
I studied at Stellenbosch University and did my radio training in JHB at one of the first stations I worked for.
Give us a brief run down of your average working day? (coffee breaks can be included!)
Wake up 6 am, emails, plan my show, get dressed, on air at 9 – 12 on 5fm music, debrief at 12 pm – to plan and read up on the next day’s show, voice overs/tv or meeting at 14h00, MC gig in the evening or function from 18h00. Done at 23h00. Emails at 24h00, bed at 2 am. I have 1 cup of coffee a day, skinny late, and I love soda water – 2 liters of water and liquorice for enjoyment. (FirstStep says: Now that's a hectic day!)
What type of challenges do you face on an ongoing basis?
Late clients. Me being late. We drive our own desks- so avoiding technical problems-  a sore voice- getting everything done!!
Do you recommend studying to get into your field?
No, study anything you want - your career will change anyway (FirstStep notes: Finally someone who thinks in terms of FirstStep.co.za!). My degree was very academic, and I ended up following a very practical career- the only part of my job where I am not performing is when I do admin- or write this bloody interview ;-) (FirstStep says: Hey!)
Quick questions:
Funniest moment of your career:
I went to the bathroom with my microphone on as a dancer when i did theatre in CPT before moving to JHB. It was a professional theatre production Also - I told my professor from varsity to “eat my shorts” on a live TV show!
Highlight of your career so far:
My first professional theatre performance when i was in first year varsity. Grease the musical - i was 17 and one of the principals in the cast; a singer and a dancer. A lot of fun! AND 5FM MUSIC. My god- I love my job
If you weren’t a  DJ….you would be a female stripper or a mom!…..? (FirstStep says: HMMM!)
Your favourites:
Favourite food: tuna and chocolate (FirstStep say's: We presume that is not a combination!)  
Favourite Country: Italy and the UK
Favourite City: Cape Town
Your message to young South Africans:
Stop worrying about the wrong things - focus on fixing ourselves first, and loving our families and god.